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Maintaining the pressure in a boiler is essential to its proper functioning. This article explains everything you need to know about boiler pressure: what it is, how to check and adjust it, and what can cause problems.
What is boiler pressure? The water inside a boiler is heated by burning gas or oil. As the water heats up, it turns into steam. The steam rises through pipes leading from the boiler and carries heat throughout the house (or other building).
The amount of steam produced by a boiler depends on two things: the temperature of the water in the boiler and the pressure ofsteamin ther systeme . When all goes well ,the right combinationof hotnessandpressureresults inthe perfectamountof useableenergy for your home’s heating needs Since boilers operate at around 2-3 bars of atmospheric pression(baris unité de mesure), increasingboiler pres sureabovethattends to make the system less stable. So, how do you know if your boiler pressure is too high?
The article explains what boiler pressure is, how to check and adjust it, and what can cause problems.

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